Indie developer of small games featuring small animals, small spaceships and big fun!
Single button, pearl-fishing, 560 character PICO-8 game for Tweet Tweet Jam 5
9th Nov 2020
Link (seems better for mobile)
Use (X) to control the Pico Mermaid as she fetches pearls from the bottom of the sea back to the surface. Avoid the piranhas that will swim faster and faster as the mermaid retrieves more pearls.
This is my entry into Tweet Tweet Jam 5 and so the code fits into 560 characters (two tweets).
(* kinda)
Here's the code:
P=pset::A::x=64y=0v=-9t=0w=127e=0d=.6s=0for z=0,29do poke(z\6*x+z%6+1,'0x'..sub('e0e800800880ce0800444404e008002444043b0000444480b000004088',1+z*2,2+z*2))end::B::P(69,e<1and w or y,7)H=max(s,H)e=y>119and 1or e ?'tAP❎ gET●:'..s..' hI:'..H v+=.5C=cls if(y>8)v-=max(btnp(❎)and 2or.4,v-.6) flip()C(1)rectfill(0,0,w,9,12)t=(t+d)%w y=min(120,y+v)spr(0,x,y,1,1,t&8<1,e<1)for i=3,14do d=-d t=-t h=40*i-t-4&w pal(4,i)k=i*8k+=7*sin(h/w)if((h+4)\8==8and 4>abs(k-y-2))C(8)goto A spr(1,h,k,1,1,d<0)P(rnd(8)+x,h*d%y+3)P(k*d/.7,h\d)end if(y<9and e>0)e=0s+=1d*=-1.2C(7) goto B