Indie developer of small games featuring small animals, small spaceships and big fun!
15th October 2021
Link (seems better for mobile)
A simple demo of a reflection.
Uses the extra palette to dim the portion of the screen where the reflection will be.
Draws everything else like normal above the reflection surface. 'memcopy's to the lines below the reflection surface, starting with the line immediately above it.
Adding an offset with some sin() calls moves each line a bit to allow the ripple effect. Downside is a little bit of mess at the edges.
[edit] Minor bug fix to make ripple effect constant with distance from the shore.
-- db_reflection -- by drakeblue function _init() -- set up extended palette for water reflection --map each colour to one darker pl={[0]=0,0,130,131,132,1,5,6,2,4,9,3,140,5,2,4} pal(pl,2) poke(0x5f5f,0x10) reflect=true ripple=false reflect_depth=32 pulse=0 fr=0 set_reflection(reflect_depth) end function set_reflection(depth) local surface=15-depth\8 memset(0x5f70,0x00,surface) poke(0x5f70+surface,(0xff<<(8-(depth&0x7)))) memset(0x5f71+surface,0xff,16-surface) end function _update60() pulse=(pulse+1)%256 if pulse%8==0 then fr=(fr+1)%3 end if btnp(⬆️) then reflect_depth=min(64,reflect_depth+1) set_reflection(reflect_depth) end if btnp(⬇️) then reflect_depth=max(reflect_depth-1,1) set_reflection(reflect_depth) end if btnp(❎) then reflect=not reflect end if btnp(🅾️) then ripple=not ripple end end function _draw() cls(12) -- draw background map(0,0,-pulse\2,81-reflect_depth,16,4) map(0,0,127-pulse\2,81-reflect_depth,16,4) for i=0,8 do spr(224,i*16-pulse%16,113-reflect_depth,2,2) end -- draw kitten spr(fr*3,52,99-reflect_depth,3,2,1) -- copy lines from just above surface to below surface if reflect then for i=1,reflect_depth do -- sin adds a wiggle to simulate ripples local offset=ripple and sin(pulse/50+i/5)*(30+reflect_depth-i)/30+0.5 or 0 memcpy(0x8000-i*64,0x8000-reflect_depth*128+i*64+offset,64) end end print('ripple '..(ripple and 'on' or 'off').." cpu "..stat(1)*100,0,0,7) end